The team:
Jo Redmond
Hypnobirthing techniques are taught by Jo Redmond, Health Works director. These classes are an excellent way to learn techniques to help you eliminate the fear and tension that cause pain in birthing. If you were to google Hypnobirthing on Youtube, you would find many film clips of women giving birth comfortably in a state of deep relaxation.
For instance take a look at these articles from the Guardian showing some beautiful births:
Pregnant women flocking to classes on self-hypnosis births
My first labour was harrowing. Hypnobirthing made my second like a dream
In the Western world we are conditioned to approach childbirth with fear; we see many examples in films and hear many stories of women screaming in agony for hours. We also hear stories about births that became out of control and ended up with highly medicalised procedures, including Caesarians, leaving women feeling upset and let down.
For more information on Hypnobirthing check out Jo’s website
Free weekly practice sessions up until the birth. Meet women from other courses and make your “Baby-Mum” friends
Ring Health Works on 020 8503 7794 for more information, or look on the website
You can email and ask for an information leaflet to be sent to you.
You can also talk to Jo directly on 07587 638 154.